“Packed to the Rafters”

For those of you who havn’t seen Packed to the Rafters watch this episode about inequallity. ‘Alex’ has returned and seen his family move on in love and life, Alex soon realises that this is something that he is not going to get… Is it ‘fair’, democratic or just life? Alex has his answer and is at peace with it…. Soon the rest of his family will be aswell. I sugest you watch it is accessable on the shool system.

Summary of Political sides

Freya is to be commended for finding this article from the age which defines each political parties views on key issues. Thanks Freya

03/05 – Citizenship and Democracy

Your task for today is to look at the following websites/documents and find examples to the following:

a) How are young people denied their citizenship rights in Australian society?

b) how can young people exercise their democratic rights?



You are then to create a map showing all of the lines/connections between people in the attached scenario Scenario Unit 1. Answer the following questions:

a) Look at the many pieces and complex web of string. What responses do you have to the complexity?

b) Do you feel, it should be a state or community responsibility to care for young people such as Brendan? Explain your reasoning.

c)In an ideal situation what would have been the best scenario for Brendan?